Harris Post - Week 5, Term2

Being foreign and having had to endure decades of rain and cold weather before realising the benefits of emigrating to Perth means that some of us can be slow to appreciate the winter rains when they arrive. However, this year’s arrival of significant rain has coincided with the creation of my new native garden and the JHub’s lovely new planting; both sets of plants look very happy, so I shall refrain from complaining for at least a week.
Rain also did not deter the Year 7 students this week, as they enjoyed a range of outdoor activities and bar and bat mitzvah learning on their recent camp. Mr Lawrence reported high levels of enthusiasm and I understand the food was also very much appreciated.
Our Year 3 children staged a fabulous assembly today, relating to the Carmel values. When we spent all those months co-creating the School values, I have to say that I hadn’t anticipated a song being written about them, but it was very well-received by a good-sized audience and we thoroughly enjoyed the fabulous singing and dancing. Integrity, Excellence, Connectedness, Curiosity and Courage were defined effectively by the children and many of these values were evident on the stage.
We are looking forward to welcoming all Year 4 to 6 families to our High School Expo on Monday from 3:30 to 4:30pm – it will be great to introduce primary school families to the High School and to hear from OKC parents about what they recognise and how much we have changed over the years since they attended. I am confident that all will be impressed with the way the School has maintained our core of what is important, whilst evolving to ensure that our students are blessed with options and opportunities.
Shabbat Shalom.
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